Give Back: Software, Websites, and Apps That Let Your Company Donate Money

Money Donation

Companies are encouraged to adopt social responsibility. This includes giving back to the community or to charities. When companies donate, they can raise awareness about a cause, encouraging their customers to follow their example. Their employees also learn the value of volunteering, strengthening their empathy and compassion.

Plus, consumers now seek companies that give back. If you need a place to start, try going online. It’s cost-efficient, and there are several apps, software, and websites that let companies and individuals donate.

Consider any of the following:

1. Corporate Volunteering Software

A corporate volunteering software is a platform that allows you to search, find, and support non-profit organizations seeking volunteers through a well-connected network. Charities use it too, so you’d surely stay updated with their events, and whether they need volunteers or donations. In addition, it lets your employees choose a cause they like to support. Your team can post about their charitable activities, which they can share with your customers. It gives your company a chance to engage with customers who might be interested in supporting a cause, too.

The ultimate benefit of using this platform is its ability to develop your team’s skills. Volunteering imparts important life skills like empathy and compassion. They might be soft skills, but in this changing world, soft skills are proven to develop one’s character more strongly. When an individual is competent at work and kind to his colleagues and peers, they tend to be more successful. Their success can benefit your company, too because such an employee will be a valuable asset.

2. United Nations Volunteers

If you want to volunteer your time and skills, check out United Nations Volunteers. It connects you with organizations working for peace and development. These organizations seek volunteers who can do research, writing, and design work, among others. As of 2017, UNV has over 12,000 volunteers from 187 countries.

Money Donation

3. Employee Matching Program

You can conduct an employee matching program through an online platform, like the volunteering software mentioned above. An employee matching program is a process in which companies match donations made by employees to eligible non-profit organizations. It doubles the contributions you make for a non-profit organization. You can also include a matching gift program in it. Either your employees who donate request a gift from you, or you can request one from a non-profit organization.

4. Amnesty Decoders

To raise awareness about human rights violations, consider volunteering for Amnesty Decoders. Operated by Amnesty International, the non-profit organization finds evidence of drone strikes, verifies the location of oil spills, and flags misogynistic tweets against female Indian politicians. Volunteers only need a smartphone, as that would be their tool to perform the aforementioned tasks.

5. Charity Miles

If your company has got a lot on its plate already, Charity Miles can make volunteering easier for you. The app doesn’t require you to make pledges. Instead, you can choose from over 30 charities, then raise funds for them through moving. That’s right, as its name states, Charity Miles requires you to run, walk, or do any movement to raise funds for non-profit organizations. The farther you go, or the higher your step count goes, the more you earn for your chosen charity. Using this app is a brilliant way to encourage your team to be more active, even in the office.

6. Donate a Photo

Since we’re all fond of posting on social media, make your photos benefit your cause. Donate a Photo, an app powered by Johnson & Johnson, donates $1 to charity for every photo you post using the app. There are no requirements; any photo will work, as long it doesn’t violate community rules. Let your team post selfies while they work or take a break. Every weekend, try taking a group photo. You can share your photos and donations with your followers, so if your customers use the app, they’ll discover your social responsibility.

7. Zooniverse

If your company specializes in research, your team of researchers may be interested in volunteering for Zooniverse. It’s a platform for online volunteers willing to identify endangered animals, classify galaxy systems, or transcribe Shakespearian manuscripts. If your team loves educational content, they’d love working for Zooniverse. The platform doesn’t even demand a lot of their time; just a few minutes a day will do.

8. Translators Without Borders

Companies say being fluent in more than one language is advantageous, yet we don’t often see multilingual employees using their skills. Give them a chance to shine by encouraging them to volunteer for Translators Without Borders. Their assistance can benefit causes related to crisis relief, health, and education.

Volunteering is a fulfilling activity, yet we don’t encourage it enough. Just because it’s not required doesn’t mean we can’t promote it in the workplace. Let’s fulfill our social responsibility by giving back.

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